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Round 2 intake Now Open!

A Life-altering 6-Week Journey into ‘Un-kinking Your Hose’ and Mastering Your Energetics to Achieve Macro Results in Micro Time

Hello beautiful one…


You may not logically know why you are here yet, but there was SOMETHING inside of you that guided you here.


Let me guess…


You are feeling blocked? You have tried to implement aaaall the external strategies to have the outcomes that you desire in life, business, relationships and even with your physical body? But instead, it has either left you with no outcomes at all, or (some) outcomes with a very icky & misaligned feeling?


It’s like being stuck on a merry-go-round, or even worse, a hamster-wheel of icky-ness! I know this all too well. I have been there too…


I have been the one who has invested $100,000+ dollars into Personal Development and High-level Business Masterminds to find the ‘right business strategy’ to explode my business and find a deep sense of happiness.


I have formerly followed ‘text-book strategies’ and implemented step by step formulas that were ‘bullet-proof’ and working for other people. I even had spreadsheets what to post where and when. I planned and tracked EVERYTHING. I did exactly what these processes told me to do.


But the problem was, it wasn’t working for me. I was feeling blocked! Many a times I got c**k-blocked by the Universe and I mysteriously either got cut off from my income, or all of my clients/customers fell through for an offering. I felt like pulling my hair out because I was “doing all the right things.”… Can you relate?

So why was this not working for me when it was working for others?

Because as a soul-connected, energetic and extremely self-aware human I had suddenly given faith and power to something external. Something that was OUTSIDE of me. And I knew it… The feeling I was experiencing on the inside was giving me feedback all along.


I felt so ‘icky’ and out of alignment. And I know so many people are currently feeling this exact thing. Are you one of them?


The problem is that so many people are seeking solutions externally, just like I was. This is what I call the ‘old paradigm of 3D business’ where an external strategy runs the show and is taught to every person in a course / program or mastermind. And then so many people STILL end up feeling like they are running on an infinite hamster-wheel and not moving forward.


This is how the mainstream Personal Development and Coaching world is set up. People are told ‘if they don’t follow XYZ and keep investing into coaches & programs, then they will never be successful’. People get taught and programmed to not trusting themselves and not trusting what is already within them. And that is a BIG problem! It’s the only REAL PROBLEM!


People are running around seeking answers outside of themselves, and seeking external strategies how to be, do & have more! When in fact they are so out of alignment with their Soul that they simply aren’t getting the results that they desire. Alternatively, they may be getting SOME results, however they feel ‘icky’ and out of place. And eventually they are either going to throw the towel in completely, OR they may keep putting up with that ‘icky’ feeling… It’s always a choice!


Personally, I refused to keep living with that ‘icky’ inner feeling because I respect and value myself & my happiness. Besides, how can we expect to have mind boggling expansive results in life & business if our energetics aren’t aligned, and we are feeling ‘icky’ about what we are doing and how we are doing it?!


It’s like trying to attract abundance from scarcity, or freedom from control, or love from fear. IT’S NOT GOING TO WORK! Why? Because you are different, just like I am. WE are different. We have been awakened to more than the 3D paradigm.


The way I recognised this was by listening within. I refused to keep giving my power away to external influences and strategies and found my own way. I learnt the art of mastering my own energetics and started trusting my Soul. I committed to a ‘feel-good-life’ in all that I do, including business!


With my own Soul-guidance I began to ‘work in the quantum’ and started creating everything that I desired. My manifestations began to show up instantaneously! And this is how my purpose work kept evolving and I began to show others how to access this wisdom & guidance from within too.


In case you are wondering – this Soul-wisdom & infinite access to Energy is part of you too, but you may not know how to fully access that part of you yet?


3D external step-by-step strategy in life and business isn’t wrong. But it’s not the solution for all of humanity. Just like the same eating, training & weight-loss plan won’t be a fit for every person. We are all different beings with different levels of consciousness, awareness, Soul journeys and Energetic Blueprints.


If more of us trusted ourselves and also learnt to master our Energetics we would start to open up to infinite possibility and begin receiving abundantly from ease & flow. And I am not just speaking of money (although it can be part of it). I speak of synchronicities that are the divine unfolding of our inner guidance. Where our soulmate people and customers/clients find us. And there is no strategy to follow or ‘do’, only to embody the fullest expression of your own Energetics so that you can easily RECEIVE.

High Vibe School of Energetix

Is a Life-altering 6-week journey to master your Energetics, to embody your Soul’s highest frequency and activate your energy field into a state of magnetism. This journey will shift your main state of being into a higher vibration – we attract not what we want, but WHO & WHAT WE ARE.


This journey will allow you to shift stagnant energy and activate you into your highest potential and fullest expression of your own soul’s blue-print. And this is how you begin to achieve Macro results in Micro time and becoming a Super-attractor of all that you desire! Because of this Divine inner Alignment, YOU become the magnetic transmission and people become attracted to YOU.


This journey will Align, Activate & Amplify your Soul with the guidance of your High Vibe Healer & Soul-Activator, Linda Liv Doktar. Throughout this journey you will also get to soak up invaluable wisdom from various exclusive Guest Experts & unconventional Doctors who embody substantial knowledge within the space of Energy, Frequency & Vibration./span>


  • Learn how to achieve Macro results in Micro time.
  • Un-kink your ‘energetic hose’ to experience more flow in your life.
  • Master your energetics to become a Super attractor for all that you desire.
  • Understand energy, frequency & vibration on a deeper level and how to use it for your own benefit.
  • Embody your own Soul Frequency and do Life & Business in a way that feels good in your Soul.
  • Work with God/The Universe and become a vessel & channel for your own soul-work.
  • Get into full alignment with your own Soul and Energetic Blueprint.
  • Embody Soul-Certainty: Learn how to fully trust your inner navigation system and let it guide you in all that you do.
  • Be held, guided & supported every step of the way to shift into your highest Soul Frequency.
  • Play in the invisible and begin to harness the power of conscious life creation in the realms of Energetics.
  • Build your courage & confidence in yourself, your truth, your purpose & your soul.
  • Start receiving abundantly and allow connections, opportunities, clients, customers & partnerships to flow to you.
  • Live in a happy, healthy & High Vibe body that THRIVES.

There is a way to do life & business YOUR WAY, and in a way that feels good in your Soul. A way that allows you to simply BE and show up as the fullest and most authentic expression of your own Soul-frequency, and as a result become a Super attractor of all that you desire!


High Vibe School of Energetix – The 6-week Frequency Shift, is now open for the second intake.


Choose one of the 3 Enrolment Levels to join this Transformational Experience:

The Gold Experience - $888 usd

  • 6 Weekly Transformational Group Transmissions (90min)
  • 3x Expert Guest Speakers (2x Doctors)
  • Soul Activations, Healings, Energy Alignment, Guided meditations
  • Private Facebook Community for support, communication & accountability
  • Lifetime access to program & content

I’m in! My soul guided me here!

The VIP Experience - $1,222 usd

  • 6 Weekly Transformational Group Transmissions (90min)
  • 3x Expert Guest Speakers (2x Doctors)
  • Soul Activations, Healings, Energy Alignment, Guided meditations
  • Private Facebook Community for support, communication & accountability
  • Lifetime access to program & content



  • BONUS 1 – Bi-Weekly Private Soul Alignment Call (3x 30min)
  • BONUS 2 – Week 7: VIP LIVE Group Coaching Call, Q&A and integration

I’m a VIP! I’m committed to change no matter what it takes!

The Platinum Experience - $1,888 usd

  • 6 Weekly Transformational Group Transmissions (90min)
  • 3x Expert Guest Speakers (2x Doctors)
  • Soul Activations, Healings, Energy Alignment, Guided meditations
  • Private Facebook Community for support, communication & accountability
  • Lifetime access to program & content



  • BONUS 1 – 1x Weekly 1:1 Private Soul Alignment Call (6x 45min)
  • BONUS 2 – Week 7: VIP LIVE Group Coaching Call, Q&A and integration
  • BONUS 3 – Complimentary access to The Expansion Experience 10-wk immersion ($2,222 USD value)

I’m a Platinum! I’m claiming my highest timeline & level of expansion.

What others have said about High Vibe School of Energetix

“Without hesitation I said yes to Linda’s High Vibe Frequency Shift container as I just knew how potent her energetic work is, this woman is the High Vibing Queen!
Over 6 weeks we dove deep into many areas of our energetics & I had so many ‘Ahha’ moments where my life & my vision was becoming more defined with more clarity.
I learnt that it is the surrender, devotion, clarity and coming back to centre pieces that have shifted me to stepping into my power and embodying it all, to creating magical change in my life and becoming an energetic magnet for all I desire to attract into my life. Thank you for such a juicy epic and lifechanging 6-week container Linda! This has been one of the best programs I have committed to!”

– Kelli X Falla

“My biggest breakthroughs were realising that I get to truly create business from my soul, with my soul! I loved that I could show up as exactly who I am and where I’m at, the tears, the messiness, the realness. Guided by mirror reflections within to discover my own awareness. Not told what or how to do life but given the tools to self-explore.
I’ve also gained awareness around what my body needs to thrive. Linda you are just an absolute superstar of all the things & I love you!!! I absolutely adore and admire your commitment to yourself and your community.
I would recommend this experience to anyone moving through the evolution of their life who knows they are here on earth in creation of energy, who is finding their way from transitioning from the ‘shoulds’ of society’s boxes to mastering their Queen creation of their own energetics.”

– Brittney Luscombe

“I have been able to fully step into a place of nurture and love for myself like never before. I am vibing on a different frequency! I was able to let go of outside stories and ways of being. I’ve shedded layers of conditioning and feel empowered to just be ME. By the start of week 3 people were noticing and said I seemed like a completely different person! I loved the weekly live interaction and that I could share openly in the group 24/7, this really kept me on track & accountable. I also loved the content and how it was delivered. I don’t know where I would be if I didn’t join this container! This whole experience felt so right for me & I wish it didn’t end! I feel so in flow with life!”
– Lauren J Madden


Your energy is your vibe.
Your vibe is your currency.
Your currency is the centre point of creation from which you create & attract life.


It’s time to ‘un-kink your hose’, get into Energetic Alignment & become the fullest expression of your own Soul Frequency – Because that’s where Macro results are created in Micro time!

Are you next to Super Charge Your Soul?

Scroll up to secure your place in this life-altering 6-week journey of Energetic Mastery.


See you on the inside!


With Love & High Vibes,
Linda x